The Forum is open to organisations working in the housing area or with a special interest in housing. The membership cost is €2,000 per organisation. As a member of the Forum, organisations can register as many participants as they wish on our monthly webinars and register specific individuals with accounts on the IPA Housing Forum website, which hosts current and past webinar recordings and related documents.
Current Forum membership includes local authorities, housing associations and state bodies and public bodies.
A registered organisation appoints a Key Contact who will receive a link to register for the webinars and this link can be disseminated internally with no limit on the number of registrants from each organisation.
Webinars are generally held on the last Wednesday of the month and last one hour. Individuals from member organisations can also put their name forward to receive an account with full access to the IPA Housing Forum website which will allow them to view past, current and future webinars and download relevant documentation related to each topic.

Housing Forum Programme
The Housing Forum is an initiative of the Institute of Public Administration to create a platform from which persons working in housing can build their knowledge about what is happening in the sector. The Forum was successfully launched in September 2020 and went from strength-to-strength in 2021. The Housing Forum offers monthly online webinars, relevant housing literature and articles and a platform for housing practitioners working across the public, voluntary and private housing sectors to engage and discuss policy and best practice.
Housing is a complex system, embedded in the economic and social system of the country. The government is faced with the need to design effective public policies and to create a supportive regulatory environment to meet the housing objectives set out in Housing for All. But getting the policy right is only the start of the process – it also has to be implemented. For this the key requirement is for a well-resourced body of housing professionals working mainly in local government and the voluntary sector. More than ever there is a requirement for knowledgeable, experienced and well-skilled individuals capable of making difficult decisions and of providing key services to the public in a fair and efficient manner.
The IPA Housing Forum provides a platform from which such individuals can access and supplement the necessary information, knowledge and skills to undertake their challenging roles.