About Us
The Housing Forum is an initiative of the Institute of Public Administration in conjunction with the Housing Agency to create a platform from which persons working in housing can build their knowledge about what is happening in the sector. The Housing Forum offers monthly online webinars; a repository of resource material including reports, research documents, and relevant housing literature and articles and a network for housing practitioners working across the public, voluntary and private housing sectors to develop a platform for best practice. The focus of the forum is on the implementation of government policy within an evolving regulatory framework and on the responsibilities of the various frontline bodies providing and managing housing. Forum membership is available to organisations and includes local authorities, housing associations, state bodies and private sector organisations including financial institutions.
Housing is important for the national economy and for society. The new government is faced with the need to design effective public policies and to create a supportive regulatory environment to meet the housing objectives set out in the programme for government. But getting the policy right is only the start of the process – it also has to be implemented. For this the key requirement is for a well-resourced body of housing professionals working mainly in local government and the voluntary sector.
Housing is a complex system, embedded in the economic and social system of the country. More than ever there is a requirement for knowledgeable, experienced and well-skilled individuals capable of making difficult decisions and providing key services to the public in a fair and efficient manner. The IPA Housing Forum provides such individuals with the information, knowledge and skills to undertake their challenging roles
LGIU Housing Material
We are delighted to link in with the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) to provide monthly briefings and articles on current and topical housing issues.
The LGIU is a policy information service dedicated to local government topics. They work to inform their members by providing practical, up-to-the-minute intelligence on policy issues. LGIU services help public servants make policy, support residents and work more effectively with colleagues.
Access to this material is part of a membership package and the Forum repository will be updated regularly with LGIU material. For further information please visit lgiu.org.